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Lisa's Lens


Lisa Ashton
Nov 2, 20182 min read
What is Laterality Training?
Why laterality training for horses? What do horses feel like before they start laterality training? Curved straight lines. Delayed...

Lisa Ashton
Oct 1, 20182 min read
Evidence Based Equitation: In Practice
Not dogma. Not opinion. Not laboratory research. Just evidence-based equitation. What is Evidence-Based Equitation (EBE)? Similar to...

Lisa Ashton
Sep 25, 20183 min read
Meeting of the Minds: Science Versus Myth
Prosecco & Ponies I am currently in the air, flying back to England with a brain 'brimming' with new ideas, knowledge and inspiration...

Lisa Ashton
Jul 1, 20182 min read
7 Year Itch: All change!
Welcome to my new website. I have fused EquiSci and Equicoach.Life so I can improve your experience with greater clarity and simplicity...

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